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Activist Heiress Marlene Engelhorn Advocates Wealth Redistribution

Activist Heiress Marlene Engelhorn Advocates Wealth Redistribution

Engelhorn Calls for Reformation of Inheritance Tax Policies

Vienna-born Marlene Engelhorn, an Austrian and German activist and heiress, has garnered attention for her outspoken advocacy for wealth redistribution and the reform of inheritance tax policies. Engelhorn, who inherited a significant fortune, has expressed a willingness to donat 90 percent of her wealth and supports the implementation of a wealth tax.

Engelhorn's Activism and Philanthropy

Engelhorn co-founded the initiative taxmenow, an organization promoting tax justice. She has publicly criticized the concept of philanthropy, advocating instead for systemic changes that address wealth inequality. Engelhorn's activism has gained traction on social media, where she has a significant following.

Recent Donation and Legacy

In a recent move that exemplifies her commitment to wealth redistribution, Engelhorn has donated a substantial portion of her fortune. The exact amount of the donation has not been disclosed. Engelhorn's actions have sparked discussion about the responsibility of the wealthy to contribute to society and the need for fairer tax policies.
